In an effort to do our part for the environment, the Chamberlain West Hollywood has put the following green practices into place to help reduce our footprint on the environment.

Here Are Some Of the Ways We Love To Go Green And Save:
- LED lighting in 80% of our applications
- Biodegradable paper straws
- Eliminated disposable cups
- High-efficiency washers (HE)
- Bulk bath and shower amenities
- Low flow showerheads and toilets
- Automatic shut off lights and sensors
- New Low-E glass windows
- Provide bus passes to staff to reduce our carbon footprint
- Reduce the number of vendors and deliveries so that there is less transportation
- Electric Vehicle EV charging stations

We Are Looking Into Adding The Following:
- Recycling program
- Water bottle refill stations
- Water carbonator in restaurant
- Green roof with solar panels for power
- Parking garage and stairway light sensors to conserve energy